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Charting the Course: A Day Retreat for Healing and Empowerment

Charting the Course: A Day Retreat for Healing and Empowerment

Sunday, February 3, 2019

10:00AM - 4:00PM

Join me for a day retreat to help you get clear and establish your resolve (or Sankalpa) for the year ahead. There is GREAT power in healing and transformation when we bring AWARENESS to the area that needs healing or resolve. Through attention, expression and declaration - we are propelled forward.

The Tools for Healing and Empowerment that will be offered include:

  • Yoga

  • Pranayama

  • Mudra

  • Meditation

  • Yoga Nidra

  • Deep Withdrawal of the Senses (pratyahara)

  • Likhita Japa (creative practice)

  • Nourishing Ayurvedic Lunch

    Cost: $108 for the day, advanced sign up required. 

    Location: Sierra Madre, CA - Exact address details given upon registration. 

    Notes: Experienced and New Alike are welcomed.

    SPACE IS LIMITED. Grab your spot!! REGISTER HERE. 

Later Event: March 26
Intro to Yoga: Body, Mind, Soul