Reiki Energy Healing
Reiki is a pure form of universal energy and consciousness. It has the ability to heal, balance and establish a perfect, natural state of well being. It's healing power is also wonderful for relieving anxiety, pain and calming the needs and fears of the ego. I have found it very helpful in moving past an emotional "stuck" place or in establishing my connection to my true self and higher purpose within the Divine. Clients who receive a reiki energy healing treatment report an enhanced state of well-being , clarity of mind and improved physical health.
Reiki can help reduce stress, relieve pain and discomfort, balance energies in the body, promote the body's own healing response, dissolve anger and create a deep connection with your higher self.
Email me today to inquire about Reiki and see if it's right for you:
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”